Can Dawn Dish Soap Be Used in a Dishwasher?
If you're out of dishwasher detergent, you might be wondering if you can use dish soap instead. One popular dish soap brand is Dawn, and you may be wondering if it's safe to use in your dishwasher. While it may seem like a convenient solution, using Dawn in your dishwasher can actually cause more harm than good. Why You Shouldn't Use Dawn in Your Dishwasher Dawn dish soap is designed for handwashing dishes, not for use in dishwashers. When used in a dishwasher, the suds from the soap can cause an overflow of bubbles that can leak from the dishwasher and onto your kitchen floor. This can create a messy and potentially dangerous situation. Additionally, using Dawn in your dishwasher can damage the appliance itself. The soap can cause a buildup of suds inside the dishwasher, which can damage the motor or other parts of the appliance. Over time, this can lead to the need for LG replacement parts or other repairs to your dishwasher. What to Use Instead of Dawn in Your Dishwasher...